The curious case of a healthy poop

The curious case of a healthy poop
Kirandeep Chahal

We love talking shit and are not afraid to say it! Shit, shit, shit. It’s time we all stop hiding behind our toilet seats and realize the importance of a healthy poop! (Ah, yes, the potty talk.)


While we, at Smeltt were starting out our careers as poop detectives, the first place we looked at was the physical evidence. Yes, that’s right. Poop. A topic very dear to us and our colon.



So, what does a good poop look like?

Our gut is closely related to our wellbeing on numerous levels. What goes on in the washroom can be suggestive of bigger issues—like food indigestion or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 


A healthy poop will be firm but soft in consistency - think of whipped cream (sans the edible part of it). Hard, lumpy, watery, or extremely foul-smelling doodies are an indication of poor gut health. 


Long story short, A good healthy poop is made up of the following:




  • Water (75 per cent)
  • Undigested food, mostly fiber 
  • Microbes - those bugs that live in your gut
  • Waste products produced by your body, including broken down red blood cells
  • Dead cells shed from the lining of your gut
  • Slimy mucus


    What leads to smelly poop?

    Picture your poop as that one vegetable in your fridge which you will never eat. The more you ignore it, the more it will stink. It’s not because poop has to smell like Parisian orchid fields but too much stank in one tank is also not healthy pooping.


    There are three constants in life—death, taxes, and smelly poo. Though smelly poo is inevitable, there’s a chance that it may be more about your diet than digestion. If you're eating a lot of protein-rich foods like meat, eggs, supplement powders, broccoli, etc, your doodies are going to smell deadly. Period. Just because your poop stinks, your bathroom doesn’t have to. Smeltt toilet spray will make sure your poop smell doesn’t haunt you around, once you’ve let it go.



    What kinds of alarming signs should you look out for?

    Poopytown is a diverse place and we need to look back and pay it a visit to keep a check on our gut health. Here are some villainous poops you should look out for : 


    Soft poop: The most common troublemaker is diarrhea, which can be caused by food intolerances, stomach bugs or even medications.


    Hard poop: Constipation is diarrhea’s bae. The reason being less intake of fiber-rich foods in your diet, or not drinking enough water.


    Green poop: Persistent green poop means that food is moving through your gut too quickly, resulting in too much bile in your poop.


    Light yellow or grey poop: A clear sign of infection which means your body is not absorbing nutrients properly.


    Black or red poop: Usually happens when you eat or drink coloured foods like beetroot, soft drinks etc. But it can also indicate bleeding in your digestive tract caused by more serious issues, and your doctor needs to get to the ‘bottom’ of it ASAP.


    Floating poop: It’s simple, too much fat in your poop makes it float which is a sign of your body not being able to take up fat and other nutrients from food.



    How to achieve the perfect poop?

    Poop comes in different shapes, colors, textures, and smells (Yuck we know right!), but since it varies so much, it can be difficult to know what a perfect healthy poop looks like.


    The rule of thumb for a happy and healthy trip to shit’s creek begins with the 3 Fs :


    1. Fluids

    Poop is 75% water and you are supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day ideally for a healthy lifestyle. Drinking a healthy amount of fluids daily will save you from the gut monster named constipation.


    2. Fiber

    Fiber is poop’s BFF. Solvent fiber assimilates water and structures a gel in your digestive tracts, which beefs up your crap and makes it sufficiently smooth to keep the trains moving. Solvent fiber additionally manages glucose and can bring down cholesterol levels too!.
    Expoot advice: Add these nourishments for a healthy poop experience: Oranges, oats, apples, beans, peas, lentils, pears, berries, and flax.


    3. Fitness

    Hips don’t lie when it comes to busting a sweat, be it externally or internally. For a smooth, satisfactory, and effortless healthy poop, we highly recommend you to move your baes a little and see what that tushy can do(o).


    Here’s a chart (by Healthline) that will help you identify your poo a little better : 

     Healthy Poop Chart


     Source : Healthline


    So, next time when you poo, what would you do differently? Do let us know! (Well, maybe without pictures obviously)


    Damn this was one heck of a shitty blog (literally)


    Happy and Healthy pooping!